Jinn Wikia

The ‘ifrit (Arabic: عفريت ʻIfrīt; plural: عفاريت ʻAfārīt)—also spelled, efreet, efrite, ifreet, afreet, afrite, and afrit—are in a class of infernal jinn noted for their strength and cunning. An ifrit is sometimes depicted as being enormous both in height and girth and, often, as having horns on the head and hooves instead of feet, who lives underground and frequents ruins. Ifrits live in a society structured along ancient Arab tribal lines, complete with kings, tribes, and clans. They generally marry one another, but they can also marry humans. They are cited only once in the Qur’an, in reference to a jinni who fetched the throne of the Queen of Sheba at the command of King Solomon.
